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Islamic Preacher Arrested in Mumbai for Hate Speech Sparks Crowd Protests: Latest Updates

Islamic Preacher Arrested in Mumbai for Hate Speech Sparks Crowd Protests: Latest Updates

Islamic Preacher Arrested in Mumbai for Hate Speech Sparks Crowd Protests: Latest Updates

In Mumbai, a big group of people gathered outside the Ghatkopar police station on Sunday evening. They were there for several hours. The police had detained Mufti Salman Azhari, who is an Islamic preacher. He was taken in because of a hate speech case registered in Gujarat.

On Sunday, the Gujarat police came to the city and detained Azahari. They brought him to the Ghatkopar police station for official paperwork.

Upon learning about Azhari’s detention, a crowd started gathering near the police station, demanding his release. Despite police requests, the crowd remained in the area. Later in the night, they reportedly blocked the road, causing traffic disruptions. The police had to remove the crowd forcibly, using loudspeakers to urge them to disperse and return home.

Traffic came to a standstill as a crowd gathered near the police station late in the evening. Azhari’s allies were requesting the arrival of the minister. Until late Sunday night, there was no information on whether Azhari had been arrested or was still under detention. In Gujarat, the Junagadh police arrested two individuals on Saturday after a video of an inflammatory speech, allegedly delivered by the preacher, went viral on social media, as confirmed by a police officer.

The speech was delivered at an event held in an open ground in Junagadh on the night of January 31, according to reports. After the video went viral, an FIR was registered against Azhari and local organizers Mohammad Yousuf Malek and Azim Habib Odedara under Indian Penal Code sections 153B (promoting enmity between various strict gatherings) and 505 (2) (offering expressions helpful for public underhandedness).Many local youths, who were supporters of Azhari, had gathered on the main road outside the police station.

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Azhari was inside the police station. The Gujarat police intended to take him to Junagadh in connection with the case registered there. Additional police forces from nearby stations and reserves were called to control the crowd. There were reports of police using batons to disperse the crowd.

Why was Mufti Salman Azhari arrested?

Mufti Salman Azhari was arrested in connection with a hate speech case registered in Gujarat. The Mumbai police detained him following a speech he made in Junagadh, Gujarat, which circulated online and was deemed inflammatory.

What led to the gathering of people outside the Ghatkopar police station in Mumbai?

A large group of individuals gathered outside the Ghatkopar police station in Mumbai in response to Mufti Salman Azhari’s detention. The police had taken him into custody due to his involvement in the hate speech case from Gujarat.

What actions did the Gujarat police take regarding Mufti Salman Azhari?

The Gujarat police arrived in Mumbai to detain Mufti Salman Azhari and bring him back to Junagadh in connection with the hate speech case. This move was part of official procedures related to the case.

Why did supporters of Mufti Salman Azhari stage a protest outside the police station?

Azhari’s supporters gathered outside the police station to demand his release. They believed that his detention was unjust and protested against it, expressing solidarity with the Islamic preacher.

How did the situation escalate later in the evening?

As the evening progressed, the crowd outside the police station reportedly blocked the road, leading to traffic disruptions. Despite police efforts to disperse them, the crowd remained adamant, resulting in heightened tension.

What actions did the police take to control the crowd?

To manage the situation, additional police forces from nearby stations and reserves were called in. The police resorted to using loudspeakers and, reportedly, batons to disperse the crowd and restore order.

What were the circumstances surrounding the hate speech incident?

Mufti Salman Azhari delivered a speech at an event held in an open ground in Junagadh on January 31. Following the circulation of a video of the speech online, an FIR was filed against Azhari and local organizers under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.

Who else was involved in the hate speech incident?

In addition to Mufti Salman Azhari, local organizers Mohammad Yousuf Malek and Azim Habib Odedara were named in the FIR filed by the Junagadh police. They were implicated for their alleged roles in facilitating the event where the inflammatory speech took place.

What were the charges brought against Mufti Salman Azhari and the local organizers?

The charges against Azhari and the local organizers included promoting enmity between different religious groups and making statements conducive to public mischief. These charges were based on the content of the speech delivered at the event in Junagadh.

What was the outcome of Mufti Salman Azhari’s detention?

As of late Sunday night, there was no confirmation regarding whether Azhari had been formally arrested or was still under detention. However, his detention sparked protests and raised questions about freedom of speech and religious tolerance in the region.

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